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Video 1 title

This is an example of a Vimeo video, just edit the change the video link, edit the title and this description and if you like, you can also link the continue button to a web page....

Video 2 title

This is an example of a Vimeo video, just edit the change the video link, edit the title and this description and if you like, you can also link the continue button to a web page....

Video 3 title

This is an example of a Vimeo video, just edit the change the video link, edit the title and this description and if you like, you can also link the continue button to a web page....

Video 4 title

This is an example of a Vimeo video, just edit the change the video link, edit the title and this description and if you like, you can also link the continue button to a web page....

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Unboxed Platform

Here is a look at the platform before we built it

5V switching regulator

Our 5V switching regulator used to power our additional electronics

Platform power Testing

We tied down the platform for inital power on testing to ensure it would not take off

image1 image2 image3 image4
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