Motor Controlled Oscillating
Pendulum Arm

By: Nick Myers
Advised By: Dr. Irwin & Mr. Sanchez

(Week Of)

10/10/03 Chose motor controlled oscillating pendulum as Senior Project
11/06/03 Chose motor controlled oscillating pendulum as Senior Project Researched DC motor and continued work on Functional Description and System Level Block Diagram
11/13/03 Research and testing of optical sensors to be used in the system
11/20/03 Design of H-Bridge transistor switch and code design for motor control
12/04/03 Prepare Project Proposal and Project Presentation
12/09/03 Present Project to DRT and project advisors
1/27/04 Prepare code for sensor communication and complete
H-Bridge simulation
2/3/04 Continue sensor communication code and complete
H-Bridge laboratory testing
2/10/04 Begin testing of new motor and continue laboratory testing of H-bridge controlled motor pulsing
2/17/04 Test constructed pendulum unit and begin pendulum wiring
Create initial LCD and keypad code and start H-bridge switching code
2/24/04 Complete H-bridge switching code and begin EMAC to H-bridge interface hardware
3/2/04 Design and simulate multiple interfacing solutions including comparator, amplifier, and multiple transistor switches
3/9/04 Complete wiring of transistor switches to interface H-bridge to EMAC and trouble-shoot H-bridge circuitry
3/23/04 Re-design H-bridge with different transistors then recalculate and rebuild transistor switches to work with new H-bridge
3/30/04 Create H-bridge delay code and work on sensor interrupt testing
4/6/04 Create equilibrium sensor interrupt code and interrupt handling software to send motor pulses
4/12/04 Create pulsing code to increase pendulum oscillation angle
Create angle sensor interrupt code and code to handle sensor interrupt
Complete user interface code using keypad buttons as interrupts
4/16/04 Student Expo
4/29/04 Final Project Presentation

®Nick Myers 2003-04