Module #1: Setup

; The following "$" commands must be included in every module

$NOMOD51 ; Omit assembler predefined registers.

$INCLUDE( ; Include 515/535 microcontroller definitions.

NAME SETUP ; Optional parameter; if no name is provided,

; the filename will be used by default.


EXTRN CODE (LCDINIT,KPD) ; Makes subroutine MAIN_LOOP in the

; main.a51 module available to module

; setup.a51 .


ST_ADDR equ 8000h ; Set program starting address at 8000h.

CSEG AT ST_ADDR ; Places beginning of code at in a fixed memory

; location specified by ST_ADDR = 8000h.

; This is referred to as an

; "absolute code segment", and cannot be relocated.


LJMP START ; Jump to start of program.

ST_SEG SEGMENT CODE ; Reserve RAM space for 80535 initialization

; code segment, ST_SEG. Again, since this is a

; "generic segment", it is relocatable.

RSEG ST_SEG ; Places the code segement containing

; START at this point in assembled code.

; The selected segment remains "active" until

; a different segment is specified.

USING 0 ; Indicates to the assembler that register

; bank 0 will be used, but does not

; actually select register bank 0.

; Place code for initializations specific to the fundamental operation of the

; EMAC MicroPac 80535 microcontroller board here.


CLR PSW.4 ; Selects register bank 0.

CLR PSW.3 ; PSW bits 3 and 4 dictate register bank.

MOV SP,#60h ; Initialize stack pointer to 60h. Note that

; the stack pointer could be initialized

; to any value between 20h and 7Fh. However, the programmer must

; ensure (1) stack has enough space to expand adequately, and

; (2) does not overwrite user data.

MOV IEN0,#0 ; Disable all interrupts.

SETB P5.5 ; Activates the external reset line.

CLR P5.5 ; De-activates the external reset line.

SETB P5.0 ; Make A16 of 128K RAM; system can use only

; the high 128K of the RAM space.

; Note that A16 MUST BE SET, with no exceptions.

CLR P5.2 ; Disable EEPROM by setting the EEPROM

; clock to its low level.

CLR P5.1 ; Enable memory mapped input/output (MMIO)

; to enable the keypad and LCD panel.

; Add other initialization code here specific to the operation of interrupts,

; keypad, LCD, serial port, A/D, etc..

SETB EAL ; Enable all interrupts


CALL LCDINIT ; initialize LCD display

; this is possible because subroutine LCDINIT

; has been made public and has been defined

; as external code in module lcd.a51


MOV R0,#2Fh ; Clear a block of RAM (for example only).


MOV @R0,#0




LJMP MAIN_LOOP ; Transfer control to MAIN_LOOP code in

; module main.a51.