How the blocks interact, we refer to people who did this as Block-heads



Autonomous Tracking and Intercepting

Vehicle Utilizing Image Processing


Peter Knaub

Mike Barngrover

Andy Lovitt


Project Advisors

Dr. B Huggins

Dr. O Malinowski

 The goal of this project is to build an autonomous vehicle, which tracks and intercepts a moving target of predetermined geometry.  The sole method of recognizing the target is imaging processing.  After the target has been identified the vehicle will move to intercept.  Once the tracker gets close enough to the target to trigger a proximity sensor, the tracker and target will shutdown.  Figure 1 shows the system-level block diagram for the project.


Figure 1

Subsystem Descriptions:

Camera: Converts photons and makes them into a usable image for the computer

Inputs:  Photons

Output: Digital Image to the computer via the TWAIN interface


Acquire:      Capture Image

Bore-sight:  Capture Image

Prediction:  Capture Image 

Camera Controller: Moves shaft of the motor to position the camera according to the control signal

Inputs:  Control signal from the micro-controller-could be analog or digital

Output: Shaft rotation, position signal


Acquire:       Rotate camera

Bore-sight:   Rotate camera

Prediction:   Rotate camera

Computer: Performs image processing and prediction on target trajectory. Refer to figure containing flow chart.

Inputs:  Digital image from camera

Output: Digital communication to the micro-controller


Acquire:      Determine target and setup intercept programming

Bore-sight:  Determine target and center in the field of view

Prediction:  Determine target and predict trajectory and output status to the


More detail of process under each mode as indicated by flow chart

Micro-Controller: Used to control speed, direction, status LED’s, rotary encoder, linear actuator, and proximity sensor.  Refer to software flow chart

Inputs:  Communication from computer, proximity signal, camera position signal, electronic compass, linear encoder, and rotary encoder

Outputs: Camera control signal, speed signal, direction signal, and status signal


Acquire:           Control camera position

Bore-sight:        Align bore-sights of vehicle and camera

Uses proximity, camera position, linear encoder, and rotary encoder signals to adjust speed and direction signals.

Prediction:        Execute trajectory commands sent by PC

Uses PC com., electronic compass, rotary encoder, linear encoder, and proximity signals to adjust the speed and direction signals

Status LED’s: To indicate status of the system, such as, calibration mode, acquire mode, bore-sight mode, prediction mode, or various errors.

Inputs:  Digital data from bus of micro-controller

Output: Visual light


Acquire:      Diagnostic status of hardware and micro-controller

Bore-sight:  Diagnostic status of hardware and micro-controller

Prediction:  Diagnostic status of hardware and micro-controller

Power Electronics for Actuator: Converts actuator control signal from micro-controller to power for actuator.

Inputs: Analog signal proportional to desired direction of the wheels

Output: Power analog signal to drive the actuator motor


Acquire:      none

Bore-sight:  Converts direction signal from micro-controller to power for actuator.

Prediction:  Converts direction signal from micro-controller to power for actuator.

Actuator System: Electromechanical device to adjust direction of vehicle.

Inputs:  Signal from power electronics

Output: direction of the wheels


Acquire:      none

Bore-sight:  Change direction of the wheels.

Prediction:  Change direction of the wheels.

Power Electronics for Speed Control: Converts motor control signal from micro-controller to power vehicle motor.

Inputs: Pulse Width Modulation signal

Output: Power analog signal


Acquire:      none

Bore-sight:  Converts signal from micro-controller to power motor.

Prediction:  Converts signal from micro-controller to power motor.

Motors: Controls angular velocity of wheels.

Inputs: Power signal representing speed

Output: Angular velocity of the wheels


Acquire:      none

Bore-sight:  Controls angular velocity of the wheels.

Prediction:  Controls angular velocity of the wheels.

Rotary Encoder: Converts signal from motor to a proportional signal for angular velocity.

Inputs:  Signal from motor

Output: Signal proportional to angular velocity of the wheels


Acquire:      none

Bore-sight:  Converts signal from motor to a proportional signal for angular velocity.

Prediction:  Converts signal from motor to a proportional signal for angular velocity.

Proximity Sensor: Signals when vehicle has successfully intercepted target

Inputs:  Electromagnetic Wave

Output: Digital status data


Acquire:      none

Bore-sight: Determine if intercept is successful.

Prediction:  Determine if intercept is successful.

Electronic Compass: Converts compass bearing to digital signal

Inputs: The earth’s magnetic field

Outputs: The vehicle’s compass direction


Acquire: None

Bore-sight: None

Prediction: Used to control the trajectory of the vehicle

Program Flow Charts


PC for Bore-Sight   (show signal from which uc control signal derived)

 PC for Prediction (show signal from which uc control signal derived)