Project Confirmation Memo

Project Confirmation Memo

We have talked with Dr V. Prasad and decided to do an advanced logic design of a Boolean tester. The Boolean tester will check a simple logic circuit for errors. The user will be able to press a button and begin testing at any time; the circuits main function may or may not have to be shut down to do the testing. The test circuit will generate pseudo-random numbers using the time of day as the seed and an equation to step through each number. Actual Boolean output values will be compared to expected values, and if they do not match, there is an error in the simple logic circuit, which will light up an LED. A OK circuit will light up another LED. The Boolean tester will do an exhaustive search. The simple logic circuit and test circuit will be combined into one logic design, which means there will probably be no way to physically distinguish between the two. The chip will be designed in VSLI and simulated in both LogicWorks and L-Edit. If possible, the design may be sent away and fabricated on a physical chip. Of course, one may wonder: How do we test the test circuit? That design question may be looked into once the design is complete.

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